Up To Date About Social Compliance.
It is a well-known fact that happy workers are productive workers. We are ethical fashion manufacturers who emphasize on the health, safety, and well being of workers. Since inception, we have been following ethical trade practices with due regard to the health, safety, and general working conditions of our staff. We realize that ethical fashion works. It is our endeavor to ensure that our employees have the best working environment and are paid according to industry standards. In addition to respecting all local labor and environmental laws, our level of compliance is at par with all international requirements. We supply to some of the top fashion brands of the world. Our clients regularly audit our facility, we are proud to say that we have never failed an inspection, and never will.

The JK International Code Of Conduct: Zero Tolerance Of Unethical Work Practices

Respect Of International Human and Worker Rights :
Committed to upholding the principles of ethical working practices as laid out by the International Labor Organization of the United Nations.

No Abuse Of Worker Rights :
Our staff is treated with dignity and are never subjected to physical, sexual, verbal or psychological abuse.

Health, Safety and Hygiene Assurance :
We are committed to providing a safe, pleasing and hygienic working environment and facilities to our employees.

Fair Payment and Benefits Guidelines :
Compensation is as per accepted industry standards and local law.

Restricted Maximum Work Time and Voluntary Paid Overtime :
Work hours do not exceed 48 hours a week and overtime is paid at prescribed rates.

Freedom Of Association and Right To Collective Negotiation :
We respect the legal right of association and collective negotiation. We promise not to penalize in any way legitimate initiatives of workers to organize.

No Forced or Obligatory Labor :
We do not tolerate any instance of forced labor. All our staff perform their duties voluntarily.

No Child Labor :
Children are not allowed to enter the factory premise.

Equal Opportunity Employer :
No discrimination on the base of sex, race or age.

Respect For The Environment :
We strictly comply to all local environmental laws and operate with a caring and responsible attitude towards the environment.

Compliance With The Law :
We strictly comply with all relevant local and international laws. We have a zero tolerance policy towards bribery and extortion. We are committed to be ethical fashion.

Supervision and Enforcement Of The Code :
Compliance to this code is mandatory to us and to all our suppliers. We have communicated these rules to the entire organization and regularly check compliance.